Posted: March 9, 2024 in Uncategorized

Last week we saw the President of the United States present the State of the Union Address to Congress, the Supreme Court and the American citizens.  I hoped our president wouldn’t fail in his address; after all he is our president, and he sits in the most powerful seat in the world.  It should be every American’s desire that the President succeeds, regardless of creed, color, religious preference or political party.  Unfortunately, it didn’t happen and just as unfortunate the press did it’s normal reporting and drew their narrative from how they view the direction America should be traveling.   The left-slanted news channels slobbered all over themselves as they extolled the President’s oral communication while the right-slanted channels could find anything right.  From what I witnessed, the speech was strong and it was surprising the strength of the presentation and it was equally impressive that he stood there for an hour with little slip-ups.  It was important that he deliver a strong message.  Unfortunately, the delivery was the best part of the night and the content of the message was fractured.

A State of the Union Speech should provide to the nation information as to where the United States stands in a given point of time.  It is not a re-election talk nor should it be a time to point fingers and above all it must be factual, honest and delivered with integrity.  The State of the Union is just that, a speech of information that should provide direction, be unbiased and  motivate America.

I cringed as I heard several misconceptions.  There was a point where we heard how the present administration created a monumental amount of jobs and brought the country out a certain economic disaster.  On the surface this seemed plausible.  Underneath the surface and we witness a different scenario.  The United States, and for that matter the entire world, shut down economically.  This shut down was not due to economic conditions but was instead totally manipulated by human intervention.   Never have we seen anything like this.  When the world declared that it was reopening, it is only natural that people go back to work.  This return to work was not due to political ideology but was a natural state-of-man to work and live by his own wits. As people returned to work there is a report that is produced monthly and this report provides what is known as the unemployment rate.  This tells us the percentage of Americans that are unemployed.  This number looks quite good today and this displays a successful economy.  The problem is that with such low unemployment we should not see so many “help wanted” signs nor should we hear of businesses closings due to no employees.  What is not understood is that the participation rate has shrunk.  People that are capable to work have opted to quit looking for jobs and thus making it easier for the unemployment numbers to look good.  Due to give-away programs that are funded by American tax payers, it is easy to not work.  The participation rate dwindles.  An economy that is exploding at the rate we are experiencing today has come at the cost of the American tax payer.  An artificial influx of cash has spurred the expansion and this cash comes from taxes or has been borrowed against the tax payer and eventually this cash plus interest must be paid back to the U.S. Treasury; and much will be placed on our children and grandchildren’s backs.

We also heard that America would build portable ports and land food for the Palestinians in Gaza.  While this may seem honorable it is filled with problems.  Hamas will ultimately control much of the distribution so the terrorist army will become well fed.  America will be interjecting itself into the war by performing this action and the far left members of Congress will be appeased.  The appearance of neutrality is observed by the mid-East culture as a sign of weakness and is the same type of pacification we have witnessed for generations.  We need to display strength and we need to not shy away from our allies when the situation is uncomfortable.

We listened as we heard that the United States has the lowest inflation in the world.  This is a good election day sound bite but it is not completely correct.  Dozens of other countries have lower inflation rates.  Two of these are G7 nations France and Canada.

There was a claim that the Gross Domestic Product, GDP, is up since the Biden administration took office.  This is a glorious statement except for one economic understanding of the United States economy.  Every presidential administration since Herbert Hoover has experienced GDP growth.  Herbert Hoover was in office when the Great Depression materialized and thus GDP was negative.

There was a claim that former President Trump said “just get over it” when addressing a school shooting in Iowa.  This should make any American cringe, if it was stated in that manner; but it wasn’t.  Another example of taking a sound bite and misconstruing it to make a contorted presumption.  What was actually said was, “We’re really with you as much as anybody can be. It’s a very terrible thing that happened, and it’s just horrible to see that happening. That’s just horrible. So surprising to see it here, but have to get over it. We have to move forward.”  The former President then went on to say, “But to the relatives and to all of the people that are so devastated right now, to a point they can’t breathe, they can’t live, we are with you and we love you and cherish you.”

These are only a few of the inconsistencies that we heard.  We did hear of a need for unification and this is a welcome message.  If America can work as a unified nation there is nothing that we can not do.  If America is not unified there is nothing that we can do.  In the future let us hear a clear message that tells us where we are.  If problems can be identified we can then hear what America has to do to correct the problem.  Above all take responsibility for failures as well as successes.

If you would like a barometer of how factual the speech went look at Speaker of the House Johnson’s face as he sat behind the President during the speech.  At least he had enough respect to sit quietly without tearing up the printed document.  Character in action.

God Bless America, Pray for the Ukraine and God Save Israel.


Last week we saw the President of the United States present the State of the Union Address to Congress, the Supreme Court and the American citizens.  I hoped our president wouldn’t fail in his address; after all he is our president, and he sits in the most powerful seat in the world.  It should be every American’s desire that the President succeeds, regardless of creed, color, religious preference or political party.  Unfortunately, it didn’t happen and just as unfortunate the press did it’s normal reporting and drew their narrative from how they view the direction America should be traveling.   The left-slanted news channels slobbered all over themselves as they extolled the President’s oral communication while the right-slanted channels could find anything right.  From what I witnessed, the speech was strong and it was surprising the strength of the presentation and it was equally impressive that he stood there for an hour with little slip-ups.  It was important that he deliver a strong message.  Unfortunately, the delivery was the best part of the night and the content of the message was fractured.

A State of the Union Speech should provide to the nation information as to where the United States stands in a given point of time.  It is not a re-election talk nor should it be a time to point fingers and above all it must be factual, honest and delivered with integrity.  The State of the Union is just that, a speech of information that should provide direction, be unbiased and  motivate America.

I cringed as I heard several misconceptions.  There was a point where we heard how the present administration created a monumental amount of jobs and brought the country out a certain economic disaster.  On the surface this seemed plausible.  Underneath the surface and we witness a different scenario.  The United States, and for that matter the entire world, shut down economically.  This shut down was not due to economic conditions but was instead totally manipulated by human intervention.   Never have we seen anything like this.  When the world declared that it was reopening, it is only natural that people go back to work.  This return to work was not due to political ideology but was a natural state-of-man to work and live by his own wits. As people returned to work there is a report that is produced monthly and this report provides what is known as the unemployment rate.  This tells us the percentage of Americans that are unemployed.  This number looks quite good today and this displays a successful economy.  The problem is that with such low unemployment we should not see so many “help wanted” signs nor should we hear of businesses closings due to no employees.  What is not understood is that the participation rate has shrunk.  People that are capable to work have opted to quit looking for jobs and thus making it easier for the unemployment numbers to look good.  Due to give-away programs that are funded by American tax payers, it is easy to not work.  The participation rate dwindles.  An economy that is exploding at the rate we are experiencing today has come at the cost of the American tax payer.  An artificial influx of cash has spurred the expansion and this cash comes from taxes or has been borrowed against the tax payer and eventually this cash plus interest must be paid back to the U.S. Treasury; and much will be placed on our children and grandchildren’s backs.

We also heard that America would build portable ports and land food for the Palestinians in Gaza.  While this may seem honorable it is filled with problems.  Hamas will ultimately control much of the distribution so the terrorist army will become well fed.  America will be interjecting itself into the war by performing this action and the far left members of Congress will be appeased.  The appearance of neutrality is observed by the mid-East culture as a sign of weakness and is the same type of pacification we have witnessed for generations.  We need to display strength and we need to not shy away from our allies when the situation is uncomfortable.

We listened as we heard that the United States has the lowest inflation in the world.  This is a good election day sound bite but it is not completely correct.  Dozens of other countries have lower inflation rates.  Two of these are G7 nations France and Canada.

There was a claim that the Gross Domestic Product, GDP, is up since the Biden administration took office.  This is a glorious statement except for one economic understanding of the United States economy.  Every presidential administration since Herbert Hoover has experienced GDP growth.  Herbert Hoover was in office when the Great Depression materialized and thus GDP was negative.

There was a claim that former President Trump said “just get over it” when addressing a school shooting in Iowa.  This should make any American cringe, if it was stated in that manner; but it wasn’t.  Another example of taking a sound bite and misconstruing it to make a contorted presumption.  What was actually said was, “We’re really with you as much as anybody can be. It’s a very terrible thing that happened, and it’s just horrible to see that happening. That’s just horrible. So surprising to see it here, but have to get over it. We have to move forward.”  The former President then went on to say, “But to the relatives and to all of the people that are so devastated right now, to a point they can’t breathe, they can’t live, we are with you and we love you and cherish you.”

These are only a few of the inconsistencies that we heard.  We did hear of a need for unification and this is a welcome message.  If America can work as a unified nation there is nothing that we can not do.  If America is not unified there is nothing that we can do.  In the future let us hear a clear message that tells us where we are.  If problems can be identified we can then hear what America has to do to correct the problem.  Above all take responsibility for failures as well as successes.

If you would like a barometer of how factual the speech went look at Speaker of the House Johnson’s face as he sat behind the President during the speech.  At least he had enough respect to sit quietly without tearing up the printed document.  Character in action.

God Bless America, Pray for the Ukraine and God Save Israel.

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